Principal's Weekly Bulletin Oct. 29, 2012

Message to Staff…

I hope you had a restful weekend. Big Waves of thanks to Audrea and Leanne for their hard work with the Quarter 1 Awards assembly. I was further impressed with the high number of scholars receiving awards.  It’s a testimony to great teaching, parenting and scholarly commitment.  It’s also raising my expectations as we continue to march toward higher heights.  Big Waves to Casie and the Math Ninjas for our October U2 celebration.  I’m sorry I was unable to attend but I was informed that those in attendance had a great time.  Remember next month, we will have a U2 luncheon on November 21st immediately following our early dismissal.  Please look out for more information to come. You all continue in “Wavestrong” fashion, turning an ordinary October into an extraordinary “Rocktober!” As always, I appreciate your patience and commitment.  And remember… “It’s great to be a Westside Wave, where we transform potential into reality!”

Our week at a glance…

It’s SPIRIT WEEK!  Please enjoy this week with our scholars, but be sure to monitor them closely.  Be sure to use the pass system.  No scholars should be out of the room without a pass.  Please share that with students so that they know what to expect.  Also, be sure to use the log sheet so that we can maintain a working understanding of the various locations of our scholars.  This information is also important for emergency purposes.  In the event of a disaster, it can be critically helpful in located scholars who might be unaccounted for.  Expect an emergency drill VERY SOON.

8:00 – Agenda Vendor Mtg w/Mr. Cox (Admin Ofc)
8:30 – Fundraising Mtg w/Ms. Ansah (Admin Ofc)
11:45 – Formal Observation w/Leanne (B8)
5:30 – School Advisory Council Mtg  (28)

9:00 – Budget Ops Mtg w/Nolberto (Admin Ofc)
10:40 – Formal Observation w/Bridgett (B2)
3:00 – SST – Emily Ascencio (23)

7:30 – Staff Professional Development (Rm 28) Topics: Home Office presentation; Continued work on ESLR’s; Grading; CASH groups – please bring laptops

** Mack is off campus all day for 95-5**
3:20 – IEP – Jonathan Barba (23)
1:15 – Formal Observation w/Ginny (B1)
Prepare for a great weekend!

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