Principal's Weekly Bulletin Sept 17, 2012

Message to Staff…

I hope you had a restful weekend.  Thanks so much for your birthday wishes. I am extremely blessed to have such thoughtful individuals in my life.  Thanks for a great job with Back-to-School Night.  It was informative and I heard tremendous accolades to each of you for your preparedness and professionalism. As I’m sure most of you are aware, we’ve had a few students to leave the Westside family, but more continue to inquire and join.  Two new scholars will begin on 9/18 and I’m sure there are more to come.  Please welcome our new families with open arms. As always, I appreciate your patience and commitment.  And remember… “It’s great to be a Westside Wave, where we transform potential into reality!”

Our week at a glance…

Although our academic week is short, it’s packed!  Please stay up on things.  Parent Conferences are scheduled for this Thursday (9/20) which is a minimum day. There are a few things that we need to keep in mind as part of our commitment to one another, our scholars and our families.  Be sure that all grades are updated and appropriately reflective of student achievement and mastery.  What does this mean? Example: No student’s grade should be blown out of the water because they didn’t return a signed document or missed one homework assignment, or failed an assessment that they were not allowed to retake, etc.  Secondly, be sure that collaboration between core and intervention classes is represented realistically in grading. What does this mean? Example:  If a student is failing an intervention course (Math Foundations or Read 180) and passing the core class, there may be a discrepancy in grading, assignment types, weighting, etc.  Be sure that those issues are resolved because we must be able to accurately represent one another.  When parents ask the Advisory teacher why their scholar’s grades are what they are, we must be able to share accurate and sensible information.  Part of our commitment to our scholars and their families is updated grades on the 1st and 3rd Friday’s of each month.  Please make sure that your grades are updated so that both parents and colleagues have access to accurate information.  One of the most frustrating issues to happen is to have a colleague represent you and the grade is either missing or inaccurately reflective of student achievement.  Please do not place any member of our team in that position, including your Admin team.

                  8:00 – ** Pupil Free Day** All AWMS Staff:  Report to Animo Locke for All Green Dot PD

7:45 – Advisory: Please be sure to have students contact parents with whom you have been unable to schedule a conference.  Have use their cell phones or your classroom phone.
8:40 – Informal Debrief w/Jennifer (Mack’s Office)
9:00 – Admin Coaching w/Gordon (Mack’s Office)
11:45 – Admin Mtg.
2:00 – PD Planning w/Becky (Admin Office)

7:30 – Staff Professional Development (Rm 23) Topics: Teacher Effectiveness (3.4C), Strategy Bucket, Debrief/Feedback from All GD Day & Final Prep for Parent Conferences. Please bring laptop.
9:15 – OM Mtg (Mack’s Office)
10:15 – Informal Observation Debrief w/Chris (B7)
10:15 – Informal Observation Debrief w/Xiomara (Rm 28)

** Minimum Day – Dismissal @ 11:50AM – Parent Conferences**
3:30 – Mtg w/Gordon (Mack’s Office)

Please prepare to join the AWMS team for an evening of “school culture development” sponsored by your Admin team. Time and location will be announced shortly.  How should I prepare, you ask?? Plenty of rest; plenty of liquids; some stretching wouldn’t hurt; vocal exercises; and a designated driver!
Prepare for a great weekend!

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