Principal's Weekly Bulletin Sept. 24, 2012

Message to Staff…

I hope you had a restful weekend.  I know that last week was probably one of the longest of the year, with the long day the Parent Conferences brought forward.  Thanks for hanging in there.  I’m proud of the work we’ve done so far, and I know that we still have a ways to go.  But you’re taking it all in stride, “makin’ Waves the Westside way!”  By the way, I’ve ordered more green shirts and they should arrive soon.  Unfortunately the budget crunch requires a $35 donation.  Thanks in advance, as we continue to expand our “Wave Gear” closet.  (Big Waves to Ms. Francis for working on a t-shirt design!  More to come soon)

Soon you will have access to a blog that is exclusively for the Westside staff.  Here you will be able access of the PD materials and power points used so far, all of the weekly bulletins, calendars, pictures, videos, opportunities, suggestions for fun and personal development, and information germane to our school and our staff members only.  While I appreciate the new Connect website that is available to all Green Dot staff and I encourage you to use it, I know that sometimes it represents an information overload.  The Westside blog will just be for us and about us.  My goal is that it creates another platform for us to be connected and to collaborate.  So please stay tuned.

We are aware, in the admin office, that we have a higher number of discipline issues than last year and we are not happy about it.  However, with great challenge comes great opportunity.  Please be sure that you are following our established discipline protocol to the letter, and if you are sending students to the office, it is followed or preceded by an emailed referral in the format that you received PD on in recent weeks.  It is very difficult to represent you if it becomes clear that procedures were not followed and there is no detailed information available.  We are working on securing outside interests to assist in offering programs that will assist in redirecting our troubled students, and offer extension opportunities for those students who are on track or going above and beyond.

Finally, Big Waves to all of you for your flexibility in allowing students to come out and view the Space Shuttle on its final mission.  If you’re interested, the LA Times had a great series of pictures that you might want to share with some of your students.  I’m sure that you know that you are teaching engineers, astronauts, pilots scientist, artists, mathematicians, and beyond.  Who knows? Your words, your care, your interest, your confidence in them and these pictures might be the catalyst to a life-changing career.  Here’s the web address: - /6 
Hang in there and stay healthy!  And remember… “It’s great to be a Westside Wave, where we transform potential into reality!”

Our week at a glance…

Please be aware of a few differences this week.  Our Hispanic Heritage Celebration Assembly will be held during Advisory on Monday, 9/24 for 6th grade students and Tuesday, 9/25 for 7th grade students.  This event has been organized and will be led by Ms. Doherty, Mr. Kim and Ms. Gomez. Wednesday (9/26) which is a minimum day and we are to report to our PD locations from Monday afternoon.  Remember, Thursday 9/27 is our first School Tour of the year.  This is a time we invite prospective families and community members onto our campus to learn more about the great work we do, and to see it in action.  As such, please be aware that from 10am – 11:30am, there may be several adults visiting your room.  My expectation is that Mr. Little and Ms. Kim will meet with some of our TiLT ambassadors to prepare them, like last year, prior to the event Thursday.

                  ** Casie, Joe and Jennifer are off campus for Safe & Civil Animo Locke **
7:45 – 6th Grade Advisory report to Cowan auditorium after attendance has been taken.
8:00 – Parent Mtg: Brandon Molina (Mack’s Office)
11:45 – Informal Debrief w/Ginny (B1)
12:05 – Informal Debrief w/Bridgett (B2)

** Mack is off campus until 9:00am **
7:45 – 7th Grade Advisory report to Cowan auditorium after attendance has been taken.
9:30 – Budget Ops Mtg w/Nolberto (Mack’s Office)
11:45 – Informal Observation w/Latierra (B5)
12:35 – Special Mexican Heritage lunch provided by Ms. Reyes, mother of Ivan Cerda, for all students and staff (More information to come regarding location of staff lunch)
1:00 – Medi-scan Sub Candidate (Mack’s Office)

** Minimum Day Dismiss – No Late Start – ARC IS ON CAMPUS & WILL BEGIN AT DISMISSAL (11:50AM) – Buses run immediately following dismissal and 6pm **

1:00 – Report to your PM Professional Development locations from the 9/21 All Green Dot Day

10:00 – School Tour

5:30 – School Advisory Council Mtg (Room 29) – You are all welcomed, but not required to attend.  We will hold elections at this meeting and we need two teachers to represent AWMS on the SAC.  If interested, please see me to discuss further and attend the meeting.

Please prepare to join the AWMS team for an evening of “school culture development” sponsored by your Admin team. Time and location below.  How should I prepare, you ask?? Plenty of rest; plenty of liquids; some stretching wouldn’t hurt; vocal exercises; and a designated driver!

7:00Boardwalk 11
10433 National Boulevard  
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 837-5245
Prepare for a great weekend!

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