Principal's Weekly Bulletin Aug. 27, 2012

Message to Staff…

I hope you had a restful weekend.  Our time at school is already getting “full,” as we plan, teach, develop and assist our students.  But I don’t want you to forget about yourself.  While I appreciate you commitment, I want you to be sure to take care of yourselves.  You are highly valuable to the success of our team and our families, so be sure that you always take a moment to reconnect with who you are, who and what you love, and the people and experiences that bring you joy.  Ok, we can stop with the violin music and get to work! “It’s great to be a Westside Wave, where we transform potential into reality!”

Our week at a glance…

Please be sure to remind students of our first fundraising raffle, and the parameters in place regarding the purchase of tickets.  I have asked for some donations from outsiders so that students and families who cannot afford the purchase can still participate in the raffle.  Please let me know, with discretion, if you are aware of any students who might be faced with this issue.  Our plan is to have our first school-wide assembly this Friday, during the Advisory hour (I know Advisory is only 40 minutes but Advisory Hour has such a nice ring to it).  During this time, I’d like to have teachers give positive reinforcement awards which include, but are not limited to: full merit cards, no demerits, subject-matter achievement, positive attitude, citizenship, etc.  I’m sure you can think of others, and the sky’s the limit.  This event must also be coordinated.  I’m going to first default to our Advisory Management Team, but I would most definitely like others to become involved.  If you’re willing and interested in helping please see one of the Advisory team leads.

**Geraldine is off campus all day**
7:00 –IEP Mtg: Xavier Amos (Rm 23)
8:30 – OM Mtg (Mack’s Office)
9:40 – Informal Observation Debrief (Mack B8)
10:45 – Informal Observation Debrief (Mack 29)
11:45 – Informal Observation Debrief (Mack’s Office)

9:00 – Budget Ops Mtg w/Ellen & Nolberto (Mack’s Office)
3:30 – IEP Mtg: (Rm 23)

7:30 – Staff Professional Development (Rm B2) Topics: SST presentation, PGP Goals, and Strategy Bucket. Please bring laptop.
3:20 – Department Meetings (TBD)

7:00 –IEP Mtg: (Rm 23)
3:30 –IEP Mtg: (Rm 23)
3:30 –Mtg w/APB Principal (Mack’s Office)

7:50 – School-wide Assembly (Lunch area)
3:30 –IEP Mtg: (Rm 23)
Prepare for a great weekend!

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